Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Creating digital superhighways with optical wireless communication Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Bits and Chips Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 15/04/21 Description By developing free-space optical communication technology and deploying it on Earth as well as in space, a recently formed Dutch consortium is going to give RF communication – and the optical fiber, for that matter – a run for its money. Producer/Author Paul van Gerven URL Persons E.K.A. Gill Title TU Delft en partners maken supersnelweg voor digitale data Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet TU Delft Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 10/03/21 Description Onderzoekers van de TU Delft gaan met 20 samenwerkingspartners betrouwbare en veilige draadloze breedbandverbindingen maken met licht in plaats van radiogolven. Zij verwachten dat je op die manier digitale data met hoge snelheden kunt versturen en verwerken, met weinig vertragingen en op een veilige manier. Voor dit onderzoek ontvangen zij 4,1 miljoen euro vanuit het NWO Perspectief-programma. Prof. Dr. Eberhard Gill (Afdeling Space Engineering) is programmaleider voor het project Producer/Author redactie URL Persons E.K.A. Gill Title TU Delft and partners to create superhighway for digital data Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet TU Delft Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 10/03/21 Description TU Delft researchers and 20 partners will develop reliable and safe wireless broadband connections using light instead of radio waves. They anticipate that this technology will allow us to securely send and process digital data at high speeds, with low latency. For this research project, the team has been awarded €4.1 million from the Dutch Research Council’s (NWO) Perspectief programme. TU Delft is also participating in the other five consortia that received Perspectief funding. Producer/Author redactie URL Persons E.K.A. Gill