Activities per year
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H.D. Ploeger (Speaker)
2010 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Study visit Russian Federation to Kadaster, November 19 - December 3
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2010 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Meervoudig ruimtegebruik: juridische vormgeving en kadastrale registratie
H.D. Ploeger (Speaker)
2010 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Lid jury Pitlo-prijs (Event)
H.D. Ploeger (Member)
2010 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of committee
Symposium Gronduitgifte
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2009 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Seminar zakenrechtelijke vormgeving bij binnenstedelijke herontwikkeling
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2009 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
FIG Working Week, Integrating Generations
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2008 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
13th Ius Commune Conference
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2008 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Gastcollege Universiteit Leiden, Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2007 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Promotie C. Breedveld - de Voogd. Titel dissertatie: Vorm, vrijheid en gebondenheid bij de koop van een woning (Event)
H.D. Ploeger (Member)
2007 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of committee
Bijdrage aan Arcadis Mastercourse Urban Development, Module 5 dag 3
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2007 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Promotie A. van der Meer. Titel dissertatie: Gemeentegrenzen in Nederland. Een juridisch, technisch en kadastraal onderzoek (Event)
H.D. Ploeger (Member)
2007 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of committee
Presentatie bijeenkomst verbetering betrouwbaarheid Kadaster in Nederland
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2007 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Bijdrage aan Arcadis Mastercourse Urban Development, Module 5 dag 2
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2007 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Presentatie in workshop European Union Land Information Service (EULIS) plus
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2007 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Inleiding voor conference common frame of reference and property law
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2007 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Dagvoorzitter van het symposium "het kadaster: bron van juridische vastgoedinformatie", vereniging JOJ
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Inleiding voor de SNNC studiemiddag "appartementsrechten in ontwikkeling, actualiteiten verticale en horizontale (eigendoms)splitsing"
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Chair technical session 14 (3D and 4D cadastres), XXIII international FIG congress, shaping the change
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Studiemiddag Eigendom en beperkte rechten
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2004 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Presentation at the EULIS Seminar 'LIS and real property estate industry'
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2004 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Appropriate Technologies for Good Land Administration; FIG Working Week 2004, Technical Session 25
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2004 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Rapporteur Technical Session 21 (Urban and Rural Land Management), FIG Working Week 2004
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2004 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Cadastral registration of Cross-Boundary infrastructure objects, FIG Working Week 2004, Technical Session 25 (Appropriate Technologies for Good Land Administration)
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2004 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Inleiding voor Seminar Notariaat Gelderland, georganiseerd door Kadaster directie Gelderland
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2004 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Jaarvergadering Vereniging voor de vergelijkende studie van recht in België en Nederland
H.D. Ploeger (Participant)
2004 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Drijvend wonen, een vorm van meervoudig watergebruik
H.D. Ploeger (Speaker)
19 Feb 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Dutch civil law
H.D. Ploeger (Speaker)
21 Jan 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Dutch right of long lease
H.D. Ploeger (Speaker)
22 Oct 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting