Imaging Flow Cytometry for High-Throughput Phenotyping of Synthetic Cells

Elisa Godino, Ana Maria Restrepo Sierra, Christophe Danelon*

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The reconstitution of basic cellular functions in micrometer-sized liposomes has led to a surge of interest in the construction of synthetic cells. Microscopy and flow cytometry are powerful tools for characterizing biological processes in liposomes with fluorescence readouts. However, applying each method separately leads to a compromise between information-rich imaging by microscopy and statistical population analysis by flow cytometry. To address this shortcoming, we here introduce imaging flow cytometry (IFC) for high-throughput, microscopy-based screening of gene-expressing liposomes in laminar flow. We developed a comprehensive pipeline and analysis toolset based on a commercial IFC instrument and software. About 60 thousands of liposome events were collected per run starting from one microliter of the stock liposome solution. Robust population statistics from individual liposome images was performed based on fluorescence and morphological parameters. This allowed us to quantify complex phenotypes covering a wide range of liposomal states that are relevant for building a synthetic cell. The general applicability, current workflow limitations, and future prospects of IFC in synthetic cell research are finally discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2015-2028
Number of pages14
JournalACS Synthetic Biology
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • cell-free expression
  • directed evolution
  • in vitro transcription−translation
  • liposome
  • minimal cell
  • synthetic cell


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