Urbanización informal en tiempos de corona: Cómo el coronavirus podría cambiar la forma como tratamos a la urbanización informal

Translated title of the contribution: Informal urbanisation in times of corona: How the coronavirus pandemic can change the way we deal with informal urbanisation

Roberto Rocco, Rosa Elena Donoso (Editor), Andrea Carrion (Editor)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeChapterScientificpeer-review

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The article addresses the issue of how the coronavirus can give us clues on how
to change our current views on informal urbanisation and radically transform the way in which we see social housing provision in Latin America. Despite the many ways in which informal urbanisation takes shape in Latin America, it is possible to generally assert that it does not provide adequate conditions for vulnerable citizens to face the threats posed by systemic shocks. By this token, housing is a crucial area of investment for governments aiming to increase the resilience of their cities and communities. As such, social or public housing deserves a new approach that considers it a public infrastructure that contributes to a general public good: public health. As a public infrastructure, social housing must be financed and managed in a completely different way than the current social housing systems in the region.
Translated title of the contributionInformal urbanisation in times of corona: How the coronavirus pandemic can change the way we deal with informal urbanisation
Original languageSpanish
Title of host publicationCiudades y territorios sostenibles
Subtitle of host publicationAportes desde la academia
EditorsRosa Elena Donoso, Andrea Carrion
Place of PublicationQuito
PublisherFLACSO Ecuador
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)978-9978-67-557-1
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Publication series

NameAlianza para el Desarollo Sostenible
PublisherFLACSO/ GIZ


  • housing
  • social housing
  • public goods
  • informal urbanisation
  • slums
  • public infrastructure
  • COVID19
  • pandemic
  • public health


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