Watergebonden transport en bedrijventerreinen in Zuid- Holland. Fore- en backcasting van de circulaire economie om de implicaties voor ruimtelijke planning van vandaag te begrijpen

Translated title of the contribution: Waterbound transport and industrial areas in the province Zuid-Holland: Fore- and backcasting the circular economy to understand the implications for spatial planning today

K.B.J. Van den Berghe*, T.P.Y. Tsui, G. Iliopoulos, C. Papadimitriou, A. Arrindell, Thomas Bonte, Tom Fritzgerald, Merten Nefs

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/ReportReportScientific

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Translated title of the contributionWaterbound transport and industrial areas in the province Zuid-Holland: Fore- and backcasting the circular economy to understand the implications for spatial planning today
Original languageDutch
Commissioning bodyProvincie Zuid-Holland
Number of pages77
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • circular economy
  • GIS

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