Data presented in the paper: “Field-based decadal wave attenuating capacity of combined tidal flats and salt marshes”

  • Pim W.J.M. Willemsen (Creator)
  • Bas W. Borsje (Creator)
  • Vincent Vuik (Creator)
  • T.J. (Tjeerd) Bouma (Creator)
  • Suzanne J.M.H. Hulscher (Creator)



Foreshores consisting of both bare tidal flats and vegetated salt marshes are found worldwide and they are well studied for their wave attenuating capacity. However, most studies only focus on the small scale: just some isolated locations in space and only up to several years in time. In order to stimulate the implementation of foreshores serving as reliable coastal defense on a large scale, we need to quantify the decadal wave attenuating capacity of the foreshore on the scale of an estuary. To study this, a unique bathymetrical dataset is analyzed, covering the geometry of the Westerschelde estuary (The Netherlands) over a time-span of 65 years. From this dataset, six study sites were extracted (both sheltered sites and exposed sites to the prevailing wind direction)and divided into transects. This resulted in 36 transects covering the entire foreshore (composed of the bare tidal flat and the vegetated salt marsh). The wave attenuation of all transects under daily conditions (with and without vegetation) and design conditions (i.e. events statistically occurring once every 10,000 years) was modeled.
Date made available9 Jan 2020
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData
Date of data production2019
Geographical coverageWesterschelde data locations for paper: “Field-based decadal wave attenuating capacity of combined tidal flats and salt marshes”

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