This data set contains all the data to produce the results of "Tariq Shajahan, Thijs Schouten, Shravan K.R. Raaghav, Cees van Rhee, Geert Keetels, Wim-Paul Breugem, Characteristics of slurry transport regimes: Insights from experiments and interface-resolved Direct Numerical Simulations, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2024, 104831, ISSN 0301-9322,". The flow problem was studied using a combination of experiments and Interface resolved Direct Numerical Simulations. The pipe geometry is implemented in the rectangular domain using a volume penalization method and periodic boundary conditions are applied at the ends of the pipe. The DNS is carried out rectangular domain filled with a viscous fluid in which immersed non-colloidal spherical particles are subjected to a crossflow along the pipe. The two phases in the simulation (fluid and particulate) are treated independently and coupled through a no-slip boundary condition enforced on the surface of the particle. The solution to the fluid phase is computed on a fixed Eulerian mesh and the moving surface of the particle is represented using a Lagrangian mesh that translates with the particle. The simulation code is developed in house and written in FORTRAN90. MATLAB, PYTHON and PARAVIEW has been used to generate the figures presented in the article.
The Experimental data used for comparison is also included in the dataset.