The data and code files presented here are developed as part of Yue Shang's PhD Thesis project and are associated with the following publication. They are being made publicly available as supplementary data for the thesis of Yue Shang for review and reproduction purposes.
Shang, Y., Nogal, M., Teixeira, R., & Wolfert, A. R. M. (2024). Extreme-oriented sensitivity analysis using sparse polynomial chaos expansion. Application to train–track–bridge systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 243, 109818.
Furthermore, the methodology proposed in this work extends upon previous research (as shown below) by integrating limit state design considerations into the formulation of extreme-based engineering problems. Therefore, the code for this project is built upon the foundation of the following work.
Nogal, M., & Nogal, A. (2021). Sensitivity method for extreme-based engineering problems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 216, 107997.
For case studies used in this project, a finite element model to simulate train-track-bridge dynamic interaction was employed, which is licensed under the [GNU General Public License v3.0]( The details are referred to the following publication.
Cantero, D. (2022). TTB-2D: Train–Track–Bridge interaction simulation tool for Matlab. SoftwareX, 20, 101253.
Further details can be found in the attached README file.