Supplementary code to the paper: Flexible Enterprise Optimization With Constraint Programming



This repository contains experimental data for the experiments performed in "Flexible Enterprise Optimization With Constraint Programming". The experiments are based on how enterprise models can be "solved" through CP. Due to page limit reasons, not all experiments were discussed in the paper.

The experiments in this repository can be divided into three categories.

1. Petri-nets. Here, petri net models based on enterprise models are solved through MiniZinc.
2. Netlogo simulation + Neural network. Here, neural networks are trained on NetLogo simulation models. Then, these neural networks are embedded into MiniZinc, and used to find solutions to it in a multi objective sense.
3. Other experiments. Here, a simple supply chain of a pizza restaurant, as well as a hospital case (FHCC) that was based on a DEMO model, are formulated as a CP model. These experiments are not dicussed in the thesis.
Date made available15 Dec 2021
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData
Date of data production2021 -

Software license

  • MIT
  • Flexible Enterprise Optimization with Constraint Programming

    Andringa, S. P. E. & Yorke-Smith, N., 2022, Advances in Enterprise Engineering XV - 11th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference, EEWC 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Aveiro, D., Proper, H. A., Guerreiro, S. & de Vries, M. (eds.). Springer, p. 58-73 16 p. (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; vol. 441 LNBIP).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    52 Downloads (Pure)

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