Personal profile

Profiel informatie (NL)

I am a (senior) postdoctoral researcher in the Safety and Security Science section within the Department of Values, Technology and Innovation of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. My educational and research background are in the field of Transportation Engineering, with my Ph.D. in Civil (Transportation) Engineering from Wayne State University (WSU), Detroit, MI, United States. My Master’s degree is also in Civil (Transportation) Engineering from Michigan State University (MSU), East Lansing, MI, United States.

Prior to TU Delft, I worked as a Senior Research Associate in Safe and Smart Mobility in the Design School at Loughborough University, UK, where I led the Loughborough University’s contribution on a recently completed project LEVITATE (Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles), funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

I also have an extensive teaching experience and developed and taught several specialised transportation engineering courses as well as supervised many research students both at undergraduate and graduate levels in the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan. In addition to teaching and research, I have also been engaged with transportation industry as a transportation engineering and planning consultant.

Research profile

Most of my research experience is in the areas of traffic operations and safety, traffic simulation modelling, travel demand forecasting, and connected automated vehicles. My recent research work on European Union funded project LEVITATE (Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles) encompassed various other areas of research including intelligent transport systems, shared mobility services, green light optimized speed advisory systems, traffic safety analysis through surrogate safety measures, parking management, modal split analysis through system dynamics modelling, and several others. I have contributed in a wide range of scientific research articles, reports and conference proceedings and disseminated the findings in peer-reviewed journals and international research forums.

Research Projects:

Predictive Approaches for Safer Urban Environment (PHOEBE) (European Union Project)

Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles (LEVITATE) (European Union Project)

Timing Issues for Traffic Signals Interconnected with Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings (Michigan Department of Transportation Project, USA)

An Evaluation of Right-Turn-In/Right-Turn-Out Restrictions in Access Management (Michigan Department of Transportation Project, USA)

Education/Academic qualification

Doctorate, Wayne State University


Master's degree, Michigan State University


Bachelor's degree, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore



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