Personal profile
Research profile
Hi, my name is Dimme de Groot and I am a PhD student of the Multimedia Computing section since September 2023. The PhD project is done under the supervision of Jorge Martinez. Previously, I did both my bachelor and master studies in Electrical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology.
In my PhD project, I aim to develop tools for estimating an acoustic scene using multimodal algorithms, and to quantify how much information is added by using different types of sensors. This is (to be) done at the interface of signal processing, information theory and artificial intelligence.
Data and code underlying the work Perceptually-Constrained Spotforming-Inspired Spatial Audio
de Groot, D. (Creator), TU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData, 6 Mar 2024
DOI: 10.4121/CE2BEC40-73E4-42E6-BFD7-FB0167840986
Dataset/Software: Dataset