DigitAl and physical incrEmental renovation packaGes/systems enhancing envIronmental and energetic behaviour and use of Resources

Project Details


Deep retrofitting is widely considered the most complete and effective approach to upgrading a building. A deep retrofit ensures a building operates in the most efficient way possible, using the least amount of energy. The EU-funded AEGIR project intends to demonstrate a renovation solution to increase the take-up of deep retrofitting that achieves nearly zero-energy buildings. To do so, it will use scalable, high-yielding, non-intrusive, multifunctional plug-and-play envelope solutions, a digital ecosystem of services, and a socio-economic model. They will be deployed in single- and multi-family buildings, educational buildings and offices in Denmark, Spain, France, and Romania.
Effective start/end date1/10/2230/09/26


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