Using Quantum Material Josephson Junctions to explore non‐reciprocal Superconductivity

Project Details


Nonreciprocal electron conduction (forward != backward) is an important phenomenon integral to modern integrated circuit technology based on semiconducting junctions. However, nonreciprocal superconductivity, where charge moves without resistance enabling low power, very high speed devices, has remained elusive. Using recent breakthroughs in 2D quantum materials, physicists will create and control nonreciprocal superconductivity by integrating quantum materials, materials with intrinsic quantum effects, into Josephson junctions â?? the superconducting analog to the semiconducting junction. This novel approach offers a highly tunable platform for understanding the fundamental mechanisms driving nonreciprocal superconductivity as well as optimizing the property for next generation technological applications.
Effective start/end date1/10/2330/09/28


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