A is for Africa

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    The indications are that the greatest potential for change is in Africa. It is also
    the place where the greatest potential to make more people’s lives better can be
    realized. This is an issue of architecture and the built environment. This continent
    has long been synonymous with failed investment and corruption. It is the
    place where people with good intentions went to see their hopes and dreams
    quashed, for any number of reasons, including the two mentioned above. Yet,
    there are places with stable governments and stable growth, and a growing
    middle class looking to invest its new wealth. Inevitably, investment means construction.
    So there is a real need for excellent architecture and planning that can ensure the retention of value.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Beeker Method
    Subtitle of host publicationPlanning and Working on the Redevelopment of the African City
    EditorsAntoni Folkers, Iga Perzyna
    Place of PublicationLeiden
    PublisherAfrican Studies Centre
    ISBN (Print)978-90-5448-160-7
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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