A method for tuning the stiffness of building blocks for statically balanced compliant ortho-planar mechanisms

T. W.A. Blad*, R. A.J. van Ostayen, N. Tolou

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In this paper a method is demonstrated for tuning the stiffness of building blocks for statically balanced compliant ortho-planar mechanisms. Three post-buckled mechanisms are proposed where the flexural rigidity can be manipulated over a part of their length in order to tune the ratio between the first two critical loads. A sensitivity analysis using finite element simulation showed that the best balancing performance is obtained in these mechanisms when this ratio was maximized. The results were validated experimentally by capturing the force-deflection relations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104333
Number of pages9
JournalMechanism and Machine Theory
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Buckling
  • Compliant mechanisms
  • Ortho-planar mechanisms
  • Static balancing


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