A microscopic online simulation framework for real time traffic management

MP Miska

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientific


This paper presents an online simulation framework, which combines agent based real-time microscopic simulation and driving behavior modeling. The connection is established by an artificial reality, which provides the required data and visualizes the results of both models. This combination allows a microscopic simulation with a detailed representation of driving behavior under the influence of environmental conditions such as light, weather and road conditions. The result is an accurate prediction of traffic situa-tions and a basis for dynamic traffic management strategy decisions.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationForum Bauinformatik 2003, Hannover, Duitsland
Place of PublicationHannover
PublisherKai Kaapke, Alexander Wulf
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)3-8322-2022-4
Publication statusPublished - 2003
EventForum Bauinformatik 2003, Hannover - Hannover
Duration: 8 Oct 200310 Oct 2003

Publication series

PublisherKai Kaapke, Alexander Wulf


ConferenceForum Bauinformatik 2003, Hannover


  • Conf.proc. > 3 pag

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