Broadband services in rail tracks; the business case for fast roaming WLAN

HBJ ter Harmsel, NHG Baken

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review


Wireless broadband in trains in a today's topic of interest for many technology vendors and entrepeneurs. Railway travelers are very enthusiastic about these services.. However, it is not so obvious to make the businesscase go and ly. There are several reasons for this, the first one is obvious: where so the revenues come from? Do railway travelers want to pay for these services and how many users are expected on a daily basis? The second reason concerns technology. Broadband technology such as WiMAX is not yet mature. In this paper, a strategy is proposed for introducing wireless broadband, i.e. internet broadband access in trains, taking into account both the Commercial Portfolio (CPF) and the added services to end-users and business support processes. Broadband applications in trains can be seen as an extra services making public transport more attractive. Dynamic traffic information makes traveling times more predictive; time is better utilized with an office VPN connection or with streaming entertainment. In addition, a combination can be made with the railway operator's business processes for example remote surveillance (vandalism, terrorist threats) and the online engineer. Finally, motorways and railway sections are often co-located. It is possible to strategically place base stations that services can be provided to other modalities and market segments. We will demonstrate a novel independent test and its performance from which new results are presented. The test set-up deals with both layer-2 and -3 handover from different vendors, in which the focus is specifically on the deals performance of centralized versus decentralized intelligence in combination with 802.11i security mechanisms. Furthermore,a business case scenario is presented, based on a net-present value calculation. We conclude that there are definitely business case scenario is presented, based on a net-present value calculation. We conclude that there are definitely business opportunities for broadband applications in trains!
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationFITCE forum fitce Journal; proceedings 45th Fitce congress
Editors Infote information for all S.A
Place of Publications.l.
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)11062975
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventConferentie, Athens, Greece - s.l.
Duration: 30 Aug 20062 Sept 2006

Publication series



ConferenceConferentie, Athens, Greece

Bibliographical note



  • conference contrib. refereed
  • Conf.proc. > 3 pag

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