Buoyancy response of a disc to an embedded planet: a cross-code comparison at high resolution

Alexandros Ziampras*, Sijme Jan Paardekooper, Richard P. Nelson

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In radiatively inefficient, laminar protoplanetary discs, embedded planets can excite a buoyancy response as gas gets deflected vertically near the planet. This results in vertical oscillations that drive a vortensity growth in the planet's corotating region, speeding up inward migration in the type-I regime. We present a comparison between pluto/idefix and fargo3D using 3D, inviscid, adiabatic numerical simulations of planet-disc interaction that feature the buoyancy response of the disc, and show that pluto/idefix struggle to resolve higher-order modes of the buoyancy-related oscillations, weakening vortensity growth, and the associated torque. We interpret this as a drawback of total-energy-conserving finite-volume schemes. Our results indicate that a very high resolution or high-order scheme is required in shock-capturing codes in order to adequately capture this effect.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5893-5904
Number of pages12
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • accretion discs
  • hydrodynamics
  • methods: numerical
  • planet-disc interactions


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