Comparison between Material Point Method and meshfree schemes derived from optimal transportation theory

Lisa Wobbes, Roel Tielen, Matthias Möller, Kees Vuik, Vahid Galavi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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Both the Material Point Method (MPM) and meshfree schemes based on optimal transport theory have been developed for efficient and robust integration of the weak form equations originating from computational mechanics. Although the methods are derived in a different fashion, their algorithms share many similarities. In this paper, we outline the close resemblance of MPM and Optimal Transportation Meshfree (OTM) schemes. Aside from a theoretical analysis, the methods are compared numerically using a one-dimensionalbenchmark.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Second International Conference on the Material Point Method for Modelling Soil-Water-Structure Interaction
Subtitle of host publication8 – 10 January 2019, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventMPM 2019: 2nd International Conference on the Material Point Method for Modelling Soil–Water–Structure Interaction - Cambridge, United Kingdom
Duration: 8 Jan 201910 Jan 2019
Conference number: 2


ConferenceMPM 2019: 2nd International Conference on the Material Point Method for Modelling Soil–Water–Structure Interaction
Abbreviated titleMPM 2019
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address

Bibliographical note



  • Material Point Method
  • Optimal Transportation Theory
  • Meshfree Methods


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