Engagement in Applied Games

I. Kniestedt

Research output: ThesisDissertation (TU Delft)

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Games have been widely used for purposes other than entertainment due to their engaging nature. However, the concept of game engagement is still not well-defined, which limits its use in analysis and game design. The primary objective of this dissertation is to conceptualize game engagement to guide the analysis and design of applied games.

The dissertation first explores the requirements for conceptualizing applied game engagement, identified through an analysis of three applied gaming projects and an empirical study. It then uses these requirements to develop the Applied Games Engagement Model (AGEM). The AGEM posits that engagement is the process of focusing attention on a task and that attention can be purposefully directed through design.

The practical use of the AGEM is then explored by analyzing applied games. The theory is extended with relevant game design knowledge and applied to game design practice. This results in the Lens of Engagement for Applied Games, a unique way to view the design of an applied game.

Overall, this dissertation provides a comprehensive perspective on applied game engagement, emphasizing the role of attention and its relation to game design. It offers a practical and workable method of considering and discussing game engagement, which can be used by anyone creating or studying applied games.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Brazier, F.M., Supervisor
  • Lukosch, Stephan, Advisor, External person
  • Lefter, I., Advisor
Thesis sponsors
Award date26 Jun 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023


Parts of this research were funded by the European Commission through the Horizon2020 programme under Grant ID Number 769643.


  • applied games
  • game design
  • engagement


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