Gazing at clouds to understand turbulence on wind turbine airfoils

Gael de Oliveira Andrade, Ricardo Balbino Dos Santos Pereira, Nando Timmer, Daniele Ragni, F. Lau, Gerard van Bussel

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterScientific

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There are many ways to learn from data. Our first experiment consisted in reproducing the way aerodynamicists work [2] with a genetic optimizer. The data pool was too narrow and asymptotic tendencies were unreliable. Our 2nd Experiment, a simple version of [4], had a virtually unlimited data pool and used neural networks. Results were better, but computationally expensive. Data assimilation approaches used in EO [ 7] could yield better results..
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event8th ESA EO Summer School - Frascati, Rome, Italy
Duration: 1 Aug 201612 Aug 2016


Conference8th ESA EO Summer School
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