High-Level Synthesis versus Hardware Construction

Alexander Kamkin, Mikhail Chupilko, Mikhail Lebedev, Sergey Smolov, Georgi Gaydadjiev

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review


Application-specific systems with FPGA accelerators are often designed using high-level synthesis or hardware construction tools. Nowadays, there are many frameworks available, both open-source and commercial. In this work, we aim at a fair comparison of several languages (and tools), including Verilog (our baseline), Chisel, Bluespec System Verilog (Bluespec Compiler), DSLX (XLS), MaxJ (MaxCompiler), and C (Bambu and Vivado HLS). Our analysis has been carried out using a representative example of 8×8 inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT), a widely used algorithm engaged in JPEG and MPEG decoders. The metrics under consideration include: (a) the degree of automation (how much less code is required compared to Verilog), (b) the controllability (possibility to achieve given design characteristics, namely a given ratio of the performance and area), and (c) the flexibility (ease of design modifications to achieve certain characteristics). Rather than focusing on computational kernels only, we use AXI-Stream wrappers for the synthesized implementations, which allows adequately evaluating characteristics of the designs when they are used as parts of real systems. Our study shows clear examples of what impact specific optimizations (tool settings and source code modifications) have on the overall system performance and area. It emphasizes how important is to be able to control the balance between the communication interface utilization and the computational kernel performance and delivers clear guidelines for the next generation tools for designing FPGA-accelerator-based systems.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2023 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2023 - Proceedings
ISBN (Electronic)9783981926378
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Externally publishedYes
Event2023 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2023 - Antwerp, Belgium
Duration: 17 Apr 202319 Apr 2023


Conference2023 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2023


  • application-specific computing
  • electronic design automation
  • field-programmable gate array
  • hardware construction
  • high-level synthesis
  • inverse discrete cosine transform


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