IEA Wind Task 37 System Modeling Framework and Ontology for Wind Turbines and Plants

K Dykes, Sebastian Sanchez Perez Moreno, Frederik Zahle, A Ning, M. McWilliam, Michiel Zaayer

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractScientific

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This presentation will provide an overview of progress to date in the development of a system modeling framework and ontology for wind turbines and plants as part of the larger IEA Wind Task 37 on wind energy systems engineering. The goals of the effort are to create a set of guidelines for a common conceptual architecture for wind turbines and plants so that practitioners can more easily:
• Share descriptions of wind turbines and plants across multiple parties and reduce the Effort for translating
descriptions between models,
• Integrate different models together and collaborate on model development, and
• Translate models among different levels of fidelity in the system.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventWind Energy Science Conference 2017 - Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby Campus, Lyngby, Denmark
Duration: 26 Jun 201729 Jun 2017
Conference number: 1


ConferenceWind Energy Science Conference 2017
Abbreviated titleWESC 2017
Internet address


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