Influential design factors on occupant satisfaction with indoor environment in workplaces

Minyoung Kwon, Hilde Remøy, Maartje van den Bogaard

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Occupant satisfaction with IEQ (indoor environmental quality) is influenced by many physical and psychological factors. This paper reports the results of a study that investigate influential office design factors on occupant satisfaction relating environmental dimensions such as thermal and visual comfort in workplaces and predicting which design parameters may bring better satisfaction to occupants. Five office cases in the Netherlands with 579 office occupants were studied using questionnaires, and interviews with facility managers and architects. Different statistical analysis tests were conducted to summarise satisfaction factors. Results show that ‘desk location’ and ‘layout’ contributed most to occupant's satisfaction with thermal and visual comfort regardless of seasons. In summer, ‘orientation’ was exceptionally considered as an important factor for satisfaction with thermal comfort. This study revealed that categorical and regression analyses are required to predict profound outcomes when the data are nominal and categorical variables. This study contributes to develop design solutions, which could improve occupants' environmental satisfaction in workplaces.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)356-365
Number of pages10
JournalBuilding and Environment
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • User satisfaction
  • Office design
  • Indoor environment
  • Design factors
  • Workplace
  • Statistical analysis


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