INTERLIS 3 developments with 3D data types and better constraint support for 3D Cadastres

Michael Germann, Jürg Lüthy, Peter van Oosterom

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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    INTERLIS is an object relational modelling language and a Swiss national standard used to model and exchange cadastre data in a system neutral form. While INTERLIS was invented in Switzerland 30 years ago and used for over 25 years, in recent years the language has been applied also in many international projects founded by the Swiss government (ie. Azerbaijan, Belarus, Colombia, Georgia, Kosovo, etc.). One notable international development is the description of ISO 19152 LADM in the INTERLIS language, therefore enabling the use of all INTERLIS compatible tools (ie. UML/INTERLIS-Editor, compiler, data validation tools, data translation and schema generation) for LADM. The current version 2.4 of INTERLIS already supports geometric data types in 3D space (i.e. point, polyline, polygon). But for some future applications (i.e. 3D cadastres or BIM) some real 3D primitives (i.e. 3D volumetric type) and 3D constraints are still missing. Further, also topological structures for 2D and 3D space partitions are being investigated. For this reason it is planned to release a draft standard version of INTERLIS 3 which includes all missing types and functions by the end of 2018. INTERLIS 3 will also be proposed as an international standard. This paper describes the new features of the INTERLIS 3 language and how those new features can be applied to 3D cadastres, BIM and Smart Cities to solve real world problems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 6th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop
    EditorsPeter van Oosterom, Dirk Dubbeling
    Place of PublicationDelft
    PublisherInternational Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    Event6th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres - Delft , Netherlands
    Duration: 2 Oct 20184 Oct 2018


    Workshop6th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres


    • 3D Geometry
    • 3D Constraints
    • International Standard


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