Lead Detection in the Arctic Ocean from Sentinel-3 Satellite Data: A Comprehensive Assessment of Thresholding and Machine Learning Classification Methods

Inger Bij de Vaate*, Ericka Martin, D.Cornelis Slobbe, Marc Naeije, Martin Verlaan

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In the Arctic Ocean, obtaining water levels from satellite altimetry is hampered by the presence of sea ice. Hence, water level retrieval requires accurate detection of fractures in the sea ice (leads). This paper describes a thorough assessment of various surface type classification methods, including a thresholding method, nine supervised-, and two unsupervised machine learning methods, applied to Sentinel-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter data. For the first time, the simultaneously sensed images from the Ocean and Land Color Instrument, onboard Sentinel-3, were used for training and validation of the classifiers. This product allows to identify leads that are at least 300 meters wide. Applied to data from winter months, the supervised Adaptive Boosting, Artificial Neural Network, Naïve-Bayes, and Linear Discriminant classifiers showed robust results with overall accuracies of up to 92%. The unsupervised Kmedoids classifier produced excellent results with accuracies up to 92.74% and is an attractive classifier when ground truth data is limited. All classifiers perform poorly on summer data, rendering surface classifications that are solely based on altimetry data from summer months unsuitable. Finally, the Adaptive Boosting, Artificial Neural Network, and Bootstrap Aggregation classifiers obtain the highest accuracies when the altimetry observations include measurements from the open ocean.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)462-495
Number of pages34
JournalMarine Geodesy
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Arctic Ocean
  • classification
  • lead detection
  • machine learning
  • Sentinel-3
  • synthetic aperture radar


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