Logistics concepts for light electric freight vehicles: A multiple case study from the Netherlands

E. A. Moolenburgh, J. H.R. Van Duin*, S. Balm, M. Van Altenburg, W. Ploos Van Amstel

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleScientificpeer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)
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The demand for the transport of goods within the city is rising and with that the number of vans driving around. This has adverse effects on air quality, noise, safety and liveability in the city. LEFVs (Light Electric Freight Vehicles) offer a potential solution for this. There is already a lot of enthusiasm for the LEFVs and several companies have started offering these vehicles. Still many companies are hesitating to start and experiment. New knowledge is needed of logistics concepts for the application of LEFVs. This paper shows the outcomes of eight case studies about what is needed to successfully deploy LEFVs for city logistics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)301-308
Number of pages8
JournalTransportation Research Procedia
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Event11th International Conference on City Logistics, City Logistics 2019 - Dubrovnik, Croatia
Duration: 12 Jun 201914 Jun 2019


  • cargo bike
  • city logistics
  • electric freight transport
  • light electric freight vehicle
  • logistics concept


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