Measuring Passenger Travel Time Reliability using Smartcard Data

Mehdi Bagherian, Oded Cats, Niels van Oort, M Hickman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientific

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Service reliability is a key performance measure for transit agencies in increasing their service quality and thus ridership. Conventional reliability metrics are established based on vehicle movements and thus do not adequately reflect passenger’s experience. In the past few years, the growing availability of smart card data allows shifting the reliability measures from vehicle’s to passenger’s point of view. This research introduces two new passenger-oriented measures of transit travel time reliability and a method to measure them using on-board smart card transactions data. These measures reflect both punctuality (deviation from the schedule) and predictability (day to day variation) of the service over the selected spatial-temporal scale. The analysis approach and the mathematical formulation are presented and then applied to the public transport network of The Hague, the Netherlands. The developed method can evaluate passenger-oriented reliability at various spatial-temporal levels, from a single origin-destination pair to a network-wide evaluation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis
Subtitle of host publicationOranjestad, Aruba
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventTRISTAN 2016: The 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis - Oranjestad, Aruba
Duration: 13 Jun 201617 Jun 2016
Conference number: 9


ConferenceTRISTAN 2016: The 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis
Abbreviated titleTRISTAN 16
Internet address


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