Mode-III fatigue of welded joints in steel maritime structures: Weld notch shear stress distributions and effective notch stress based resistance

Gabriele Bufalari, Henk den Besten*, Miroslaw Lech Kaminski

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The predominant mode-I response of maritime structures can be multiaxial, involving out-of-plane mode-III shear components. Semi-analytical mode-III notch stress distribution formulations have been established for critical details like welded T-joints and cruciform joints, reflecting (non-)symmetry with respect to half the plate thickness. Using a stress distribution formulation based effective notch stress as fatigue strength criterion, the mode-III welded joint mid-cycle fatigue resistance characteristics have been investigated. In comparison to mode-I, the material characteristic length and resistance curve slope estimate suggest the fatigue damage process to be even more an initiation related near-surface phenomenon. Mean shear stress effects seem insignificant.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107210
Number of pages18
JournalInternational Journal of Fatigue
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Effective notch stress
  • Fatigue
  • Mode-III
  • Stress distribution
  • Welded joints


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