Natronogracilivirga saccharolytica gen. nov., sp. nov. and Cyclonatronum proteinivorum gen. nov., sp. nov., haloalkaliphilic organotrophic bacteroidetes from hypersaline soda lakes forming a new family Cyclonatronaceae fam. nov. in the order Balneolales

Tatjana N. Zhilina, Dimitry Y. Sorokin, Stepan V. Toschakov, Ilya V. Kublanov, Daria G. Zavarzina

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Two heterotrophic bacteroidetes strains were isolated as satellites from autotrophic enrichments inoculated with samples from hypersaline soda lakes in southwestern Siberia. Strain Z-1702 T is an obligate anaerobic fermentative saccharolytic bacterium from an iron-reducing enrichment culture, while Ca. Cyclonatronum proteinivorum Omega T is an obligate aerobic proteolytic microorganism from a cyanobacterial enrichment. Cells of isolated bacteria are characterized by highly variable morphology. Both strains are chloride-independent moderate salt-tolerant obligate alkaliphiles and mesophiles. Strain Z-1702 T ferments glucose, maltose, fructose, mannose, sorbose, galactose, cellobiose, N-acetyl-glucosamine and alpha-glucans, including starch, glycogen, dextrin, and pullulan. Strain Omega T is strictly proteolytic utilizing a range of proteins and peptones. The main polar lipid fatty acid in both strains is iso-C 15:0, while other major components are various C 16 and C 17 isomers. According to pairwise sequence alignments using BLAST Gracilimonas was the nearest cultured relative to both strains (<90% of 16S rRNA gene sequence identity). Phylogenetic analysis placed strain Z-1702 T and strain Omega T as two different genera in a deep-branching clade of the new family level within the order Balneolales with genus. Based on physiological characteristics and phylogenetic position of strain Z-1702 T it was proposed to represent a novel genus and species Natronogracilivirga saccharolityca gen. nov., sp. nov. (= DSMZ 109061 T =JCM 32930 T =VKM B 3262 T). Furthermore, phylogenetic and phenotypic parameters of N. saccharolityca and C. proteinivorum gen. nov., sp. nov., strain Omega T (=JCM 31662 T, =UNIQEM U979 T), make it possible to include them into a new family with a proposed designation Cyclonatronaceae fam. nov.

Original languageEnglish
Article number126403
Pages (from-to)1-18
JournalSystematic and Applied Microbiology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.


  • Bacteroidota
  • Soda lakes
  • Cyclonatronum
  • Natronogracilivirga
  • Cyclonatronaceae
  • Balneolales


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