Projected energy savings of a 3D printed selective heat transfer facade

B. Seshadri, D. Morroni, I. Hischier, K. Masania, A. Schlueter

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Dynamic building facades offer untapped potential for reducing building energy consumption and emissions. However, there is currently a lack of suitable technologies for bespoke components for new and retrofit applications. In previous work, we developed a 3D printed polymer facade component that selectively acts as a thermal conductor or insulator depending on outdoor and indoor conditions. Our experiments demonstrate that the element can achieve effective thermal conductivities as low as 0.03 W/mK and as high as 28 W/mK in insulating and conducting modes. In this work, we assess the potential impact of this technology on reducing heating and cooling energy demand. We conducted a parametric analysis of ten physical characteristics of the facade component. Then, we simulated the façade component employed in 270 building typologies and climate combinations. Our results indicate annual energy reduction of up to 80 kWh/m2 (heating) and 15 kWh/m2 (cooling) for building typology-climate combinations that can benefit the most from this technology.

Original languageEnglish
Article number022006
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event2023 International Conference on the Built Environment in Transition, CISBAT 2023 - Hybrid, Lausanne, Switzerland
Duration: 13 Sept 202315 Sept 2023


This research has been supported by an ETH Zurich Research Grant.


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