Quantum states and intertwining phases in kagome materials

Yaojia Wang*, Heng Wu, Gregory T. McCandless, Julia Y. Chan, Mazhar N. Ali

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Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

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In solid materials, non-trivial topological states, electron correlations and magnetism are central ingredients for realizing quantum properties, including unconventional superconductivity, charge and spin density waves and quantum spin liquids. The kagome lattice, made up of corner-sharing triangles, can host these three ingredients simultaneously and has proved to be a fertile platform for studying diverse quantum phenomena including those stemming from the interplay of these ingredients. This Review introduces the fundamental properties of the kagome lattice and discusses the complex phenomena observed in several materials systems, including the intertwining of charge order and superconductivity in some kagome metals, the modulation of magnetism and topology in some kagome magnets, and the combination of symmetry breaking and Mott physics in ‘breathing’ kagome insulators. The Review also highlights open questions in the field and future research directions in kagome systems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)635-658
JournalNature Reviews Physics
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

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