QuIP: A P4 Quantum Internet Protocol Prototyping Framework

Wojciech Kozlowski, Fernando Kuipers, Rob Smets, Belma Turkovic

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Quantum entanglement is so fundamentally differ- ent from a network packet that several quantum network stacks have been proposed; one of which has even been experimentally demonstrated. Several simulators have also been developed to make up for limited hardware availability, and which facili- tate the design and evaluation of quantum network protocols. However, the lack of shared tooling and community-agreed node architectures has resulted in protocol implementations that are tightly coupled to their simulators. Besides limiting their reusabil- ity between different simulators, it also makes building upon prior results and simulations difficult. To address this problem, we have developed QuIP: a P4-based Quantum Internet Protocol prototyping framework for quantum network protocol design. QuIP is a framework for designing and implementing quantum network protocols in a platform-agnostic fashion. It achieves this by providing the means to flexibly, but rigorously, define device architectures against which quantum network protocols can be implemented in the network programming language P416. QuIP also comes with the necessary tooling to enable their execution in existing quantum network simulators. We demonstrate its use by showcasing V1Quantum, a completely new device architecture, implementing a link- and network-layer protocol, and simulating it in the existing simulator NetSquid.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1936-1949
Number of pages14
JournalIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Quantum internet
  • quantum network protocols
  • protocol design
  • network programming languages


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