Subjective evaluation of noise and vibration in a turboprop aircraft

Anna Reichherzer*, britta herbig, P. Vink, Y. Song, G. Vledder, X. Yao, Neil Mansfield, Michael Bellman

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractScientific


Turboprop aircraft are a useful alternative to reduce CO2 emissions, but they have a higher noise and vibration level compared to turbojets. We investigated how passengers perceived noise and vibration during two turboprop flights in an ATR72.In general, noise as assessed as slightly loud and slightly annoying, but became less noisy and more comfortable over time. Subjects evaluated the vibration as rather comfortable, but the perception of vibration varied for different body areas. Discomfort of vibration decreased. If noise sensitivity is added to these analyses, changes over time largely disappeared showing the complex interaction between characteristics of the person and the environment. In summary, the rather negative evaluation of noise and vibration could be the factors why people decide not to fly with turboprop aircrafts. The development of turboprop aircraft with less noise and vibration remains important so that this more sustainable aircraft type is competitive.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventTowards Sustainable Aviation Summit (TSAS2022) - Pierre Baudis Congress Centre, Toulouse, TOULOUSE, France
Duration: 18 Oct 202220 Oct 2022


ConferenceTowards Sustainable Aviation Summit (TSAS2022)
Abbreviated titleTSAS2022
Internet address


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