Supercurrent in the Presence of Direct Transmission and a Resonant Localized State

Vukan Levajac, Hristo Barakov, Grzegorz P. Mazur, Nick Van Loo, Leo P. Kouwenhoven, Yuli V. Nazarov*, Ji Yin Wang*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

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We study the current-phase relation (CPR) of an InSb-Al nanowire Josephson junction in parallel magnetic fields up to 700 mT. At high magnetic fields and in narrow voltage intervals of a gate under the junction, the CPR exhibits π shifts. The supercurrent declines within these gate intervals and shows asymmetric gate voltage dependence above and below them. We detect these features sometimes also at zero magnetic field. The observed CPR properties are reproduced by a theoretical model of supercurrent transport via interference between direct transmission and a resonant localized state.

Original languageEnglish
Article number176304
JournalPhysical review letters
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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