The CDIO framework and new perspectives on technological innovation

Frido Smulders, Aldert Kamp, Clement Fortin

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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    Technological innovation happens on a daily basis all around us. Yet, in our educational programs there is rarely any attention paid to what this is and how this unfolds over time in real life. This is not at all surprising, since there is not one unified and widely accepted body of knowledge on technological innovation that is grounded enough, meaning, knowledge based on research of technological innovation practice. The CDIO-framework is implicitly addressing innovation from the perspective of existing technological knowledge and therefore is not yet equipped enough for the purpose of tech-innovation. This paper therefore aims to initiate a discussion on what technological innovation is and how this could fit within the CDIO-framework. We will provide a definition of technological innovation based on innovation theoretical framework which reaches its readiness when practice is able to apply the new technology to design, engineer, build, maintain and dispose the objects that apply that particular technology. This lens will be used to analyze a well-documented case that
    reports on the development of a new structural aircraft material that is now widely used in the Airbus A380, hence a technological innovation. It will be shown in this paper that the research activities that support the development of the new technology, follow the logic of innovating as a generic and natural phenomenon. The paper ends by proposing a possible path to bring the subject of technological innovation within the confines of our educational curricula, without too much cutting on the subjects that we are teaching. Its base comes from the idea that what we are teaching today is the result of a technological innovation process of yesterday.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe 14th International CDIO Conference
    Subtitle of host publicationProceedings – Full Papers
    EditorsCasey Bean, Jens Bennedsen, Kristina Edström, Ron Hugo, Janne Röslof, Robert Songer, Tomohito Yamamoto
    Number of pages13
    ISBN (Print)978-4-906122-53-0
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    Event14th International CDIO Conference - Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Kanazawa, Japan
    Duration: 28 Jun 20182 Jul 2018


    Conference14th International CDIO Conference
    Internet address


    • CDIO framework
    • Engineering education
    • technological innovation
    • product innovation


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