The past, present and future of the Wadden Sea, its islands and hinterland

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Lagoons, wetlands, islands, and their inland areas struggle between two opposing forces, permanence, and transformation.
Coastal lagoons are constantly evolving dynamic natural ecosystems, shaped over the centuries by natural phenomena and ongoing anthropic interventions. The war between man and nature is waged on various fronts: geo-morphological, climatic, ecological-environmental, architectural, and landscape, as well as in
urban settlements. Despite being a UNESCO World Heritage Site of extraordinary environmental value and beauty, the Wadden Sea, its territories, and its people, are facing an uncertain future, while currently wrestling with a latent climatic, economic-productive, and social crisis. Subsidence increased by gas extraction,
soil erosion, saltwater intrusion, eutrophication, and agricultural water pollution testify to a territory in the throes of long-term repossession by the sea. Unlike large coastal conurbations, these areas are marginal territories, with low levels of urbanization, and are mainly linked to agricultural, fishing, tourist development, and dying industrial activities. Starting from the past, the present, and its legacies, the presented work will present many possible futures of the Wadden Sea and its hinterland.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventECLAS Conference 2023: Labyrinth of the World: Landscape Crossroads - Brno, Czech Republic
Duration: 10 Sept 202313 Sept 2023


ConferenceECLAS Conference 2023: Labyrinth of the World: Landscape Crossroads
Country/TerritoryCzech Republic


  • water and soil landscapes
  • Wadden Sea landscapes


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