TU Delft Strategic Plan Open Science 2020-2024 Research and Education in the Open Era: Evaluation 2020 & Work plan 2021

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional

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    The Open Science Programme 2020-2024, Research and Education in the Open Era, tackles all areas of scholarly engagement where restrictions limit the flow of academic knowledge. It proposes new approaches to the process of research, education and innovation, with a strong focus on transparency, integrity and efficiency. The programme started in January 2020 with five interrelated projects: Open Education, Open Access, Open Publishing Platform, FAIR Data, and FAIR Software. The projects are aimed at creating and disseminating various types of resources for the benefit of TU Delft researchers, teachers and students, as well as the general public. They will range from educational materials and software to a publishing platform. The outputs of the programme will be as open and ‘FAIR’ as possible: findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. In addition, each project will address the following three preconditions for successful implementation: ensuring appropriate rewards and recognition, facilitating fruitful collaboration with third parties, and gathering relevant skills. These are therefore incorporated in the programme as cross-cutting themes for all projects.

    The first year of the Open Science Programme, 2020, was about connection: The connection between the projects and the intersecting themes, the connection between the various TU Delft services that are involved in the programme, and also the connection with the faculties, the communities, and the individual researchers and lecturers.

    Community engagement manager, Emmy Tsang, started on 15 September 2020. The Open Science Community Delft was launched in September 2020. In addition to the five projects and the three intersecting themes, there were two extra assignments for 2020: Explore the topics of Citizen Science and Open Hardware. After this year, the advice is to incorporate both Citizen Science and Open Hardware as projects into the programme.

    In addition to the results from 2020, the report also discusses the plans and goals for 2021.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDelft University of Technology
    Number of pages36
    Publication statusPublished - 2021

    Bibliographical note

    Gerelateerde publicaties:

    TU Delft Strategic Plan Open Science 2020-2024 - https://doi.org/10.4233/uuid:f2faff07-408f-4cec-bd87-0919c9e4c26f en TU Delft Open Science Programme 2020-2024 Research and Education in the Open Era: Evaluation 2021 & Work plan 2022 - https://doi.org/10.4233/uuid:984f605e-1d08-4b8f-bafa-e351634e19a0


    • Open Science


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