From Curriculum To Career: Analysing The Contribution Of Delft University’s Robotics Msc Programme To The Career Path Of Its Alumni

Gillian Saunders-Smits*, R.H. Bossen, J.C.F. de Winter

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The increasing global demand for robotics expertise led the Delft University of Technology to launch a two-year Master of Science programme in Robotics in 2020. The programme was designed to educate versatile robotics engineers capable of overseeing the entire process from conception of robotics systems to implementation. The curriculum integrates disciplines such as machine perception, artificial intelligence, robot planning and control, human-robot interaction, and ethics, and emphasises personal development through a course called Portfolio, which was later rebranded as Vision and Reflection. The effectiveness of the programme was evaluated by conducting a survey among the first cohort of students. The online survey, completed by 21 alumni, assessed the programme’s alignment with graduates’ career paths and their perceptions of the programme. Most respondents (81%) secured employment, with 69% in robotics, and all others had consciously chosen different fields. On average, graduates found jobs in under a month. Common job titles were Robotics Engineer and Software Engineer. However, graduates least appreciated the original Robot & Society and Portfolio courses. The recently rebranded Vision and Reflection course is expected to improve student engagement by focusing on meaningful reflection rather than documentation. Overall, the programme received positive feedback, with 88% of respondents saying it provided a comprehensive robotics education, and 94% stating they would choose it again. However, the evaluation was limited to the more successful half of the cohort, indicating the need to assess the experiences of the remaining graduates, who took over 2.5 years to complete their degrees.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI): Reflecting on the role of engineering and technology education for a sustainable world - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 11 Sept 202314 Sept 2023
Conference number: 51


Conference51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)
Abbreviated titleSEFI 2023


  • Career paths
  • Robotics
  • Personal Leadership
  • Professional development
  • Transferable skills
  • Learning in context (robotics domain)


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