Building Affordable, Durable and Desirable Earthen Houses: Construction with Materials Derived from Locally Available Natural and Biological Resources

Y. Kulshreshtha

Research output: ThesisDissertation (TU Delft)

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Building with unfired earth (mud) is an ancient practice that is regaining popularity due to the rising concern about the impact of the construction sector on climate. However, the low image of earthen materials is a major barrier to its acceptance in India, and is caused due to its poor water resistance performance. This research focuses on developing a low-cost, water resistant and desirable earthen building material for rural housing in India. This thesis contributes toward a better understanding of water ingress and water resistance in unstabilised and biologically stabilised earthen materials, especially cow-dung stabilised earthen blocks. Moreover, it addresses the three key aspects identified for rural earthen housing in India; 1. Affordability, by using inexpensive techniques and binder; 2. Durability, by enhancing the water resistance in both unstabilised and cow-dung stabilised earthen material, and 3. Desirability, by producing Compressed Earth Blocks of a good finish and aesthetic and using a widely acceptable stabiliser. The research work is expected not only to provide scientific insights that facilitate understanding and adoption of earthen materials but also the knowledge that can be directly applied in the construction of earthen houses.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Jonkers, H.M., Supervisor
  • Vardon, P.J., Supervisor
  • Amorim Mota, N.J., Advisor
Award date6 Oct 2022
Print ISBNs978-90-832797-2-5
Publication statusPublished - 2022


TU Delft | Global Initiative


  • Earthen construction
  • Rural housing
  • Durability
  • CEB
  • Biological stabiliser


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