Digital Slot Machines: Social Media Platforms as Attentional Scaffolds

Cristina Voinea*, Lavinia Marin, Constantin Vică

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In this paper we introduce the concept of attentional scaffolds and show the resemblance between social media platforms and slot machines, both functioning as hostile attentional scaffolds. The first section establishes the groundwork for the concept of attentional scaffolds and draws parallels to the mechanics of slot machines, to argue that social media platforms aim to capture users’ attention to maximize engagement through a system of intermittent rewards. The second section shifts focus to the interplay between emotions and attention, revealing how online attentional capture through emotionally triggering stimuli leads to distraction. The final section elucidates the collective implications of scaffolding attention through social media platforms. The examination of phenomena such as emotional contagion and the emergence of group emotions underscores the transition from individual experiences to shared collective outcomes. Employing online moral outrage as a case study, we illustrate how negative emotions serve as scaffolds for individuals’ attention, propagate within social groups, and give rise to collective attitudes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)685-695
Number of pages11
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Attentional scaffolds
  • Digital slot machines
  • Hostile scaffolds
  • Social media platforms


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