Explicit expressions and computational methods for the Fortet–Mourier distance of positive measures to finite weighted sums of Dirac measures

Sander C. Hille*, Esmée S. Theewis

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Explicit expressions and computational approaches are given for the Fortet–Mourier distance between a positively weighted sum of Dirac measures on a metric space and a positive finite Borel measure. Explicit expressions are given for the distance to a single Dirac measure. For the case of a sum of several Dirac measures one needs to resort to a computational approach. In particular, two algorithms are given to compute the Fortet–Mourier norm of a molecular measure, i.e. a finite weighted sum of Dirac measures. It is discussed how one of these can be modified to allow computation of the dual bounded Lipschitz (or Dudley) norm of such measures.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105947
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Approximation Theory
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Borel measure
  • Fermat–Weber problem
  • Fortet–Mourier norm
  • Linear and convex optimization
  • Metric space


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