Flexibility in Multi Energy Systems: Models and Metrics to Assess Future Energy Systems

D. Gusain

Research output: ThesisDissertation (TU Delft)

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The transition to sustainable energy iswell underway and is introducing changes on both sides of the electricity balance scale – generation and demand. On the generation side, emissions-free renewable generation resources such as wind and solar are replacing the pollution-emitting thermal power plants. On the demand side, energy sectors traditionally dependent on fossil fuels such as heat, mobility, gas, chemicals, and others are being coupled to electricity using Power to X (or P2X) technologies. These developments are introducing changes to the planning and operation of the electricity grid. Large-scale power generation from renewables and an increased demand for power resulting from the electrification of energy sectors in a grid with limited capacity is causing congestion challenges. Increased penetration of renewables is also driving demand for power system services that can complement the uncertainty and intermittency associated with renewable power generation. Until sufficient capacity is installed, mitigating these challenges requires the grid, especially its participants, to be flexible....
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Palensky, P., Supervisor
  • Cvetkovic, M., Advisor
Award date17 Oct 2022
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • power-to-x
  • flexibility
  • multi-energy systems
  • co-simulation


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