title = "Reflections, Conclusions and Recommendations",
abstract = "This final chapter reflects on the comprehensive analyses of how to manage and measure 12 different value parameters that were presented in chapter 4-16. Furthermore it links the findings to the background and purpose of this book (chapter 1) and the input-throughput-output components of the Value Adding Management model (chapter 2-4). A cross-chapter analysis of the State of the Art sections for each value parameter shows that much theoretical and empirical work has been conducted to operationalise the 12 value parameters, to develop ways to measure and manage performance and added value, and to collect evidence about input-output/outcome relationships. The overview of appropriate interventions, ways to measure its impact, and a shortlist of Key Performance Indicators per value parameter (chapter 17) can be used to support decision makers in selecting appropriate interventions to solve current problems and to add value to the organisation. The cross-chapter analysis also shows that it is difficult to quantify cause-effect relationships, due to the many factors that affect organisational performance and adding value by FM and CREM. In addition to the impact of interventions in buildings, facilities and services, the way interventions are implemented play an important role as well. The internal context (e.g. leadership, staff, culture, resources) and the external context (e.g. legislation, labour market, benchmark with competitors) may also affect the relationship between facilities and organisational performance. Further research is still needed to disentangle the complex relationships between input factors and organisational outcomes, and to develop new ways to measure the outcomes, for instance by using sensors and apps, narratives, longitudinal observations, focus group discussions, and {\textquoteleft}big data{\textquoteright}.",
keywords = "Value parameters, Evidence, Measuring, Data collection, Cause-effect",
author = "{van der Voordt}, Theo and Jensen, {Per Anker}",
year = "2016",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-1-138-24387-3",
pages = "323--333",
editor = "Jensen, {Per Anker} and {van der Voordt}, Theo",
booktitle = "Facilities Management and Corporate Real Estate Management as Value Drivers",
publisher = "Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group",